Driving Force Racing Wheel

Logitech G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel and Floor Pedals

Logitech c920 wheels pedals and the optional shifter so let's get straight into it so here we are we have got the wheel itself the pedals and also the optional shifter now what I'll do is explain eac of these components in depth to explain what I find it great about them in what not so much okey-dokey so let's start off with the wheel now here we can see it's a lever up design with a piece of metal around the top kind of as a alignment device usually see that on real racing wheels we've also got our panel shifters which are nice and clicky they are made of metal and feel quite nice to the touch and also you know feel like quality for the controls of this thing we have got our AV X&Y we've got our many buttons right here we've also got a left button in a right button along with the d-pad also if you are a person who plays it actually on the Xbox you can press the Xbox logo right here and that'll take you to the home so you're able to use it in that kind of way now if we turn this thing around we'll be able to see the mounting points so right here as you can see where at this point is something you spin to move down and mount it on your desk now for example if you're trying to get onto your desk you can actually move these down and it will move this part down so you can mount it later so if you have a disc that's this kind of width like mine that I'm actually using you'll be able to grip it in there and then pull this back and it will grip nice and tight now if we look on the underside of the wheel right here we're be able to see where the cords go for the optional shifter the pedals and the actual power Inlet so the shifter cable kind of looks like a VGA cable and the ones for the pedals looks like a reversed VGA cable and the power for this thing is kind of like a laptop charger it's that simple you just plug it in and it'll start working now also to connect it to the PC you need to use this USB cable into your PC and it will connect or the Xbox now a few of other things I want to talk about with this thing it has stopped around 9 100 degrees of rotation and the vibration settings if you turn it to the max and the force feedback are pretty violent I wouldn't put them up to a hundred percent depending on what game you play but for example when I play footsore I was in for it is pretty damn harsh so I myself turn this down quite a lot around the 10 mark of the force feedback so it doesn't really whip me backwards and because I don't have that much strength it's actually better for me to have it lower so what I'll do now is actually take the wheel off and we will look at the shifter first off it feels pretty damn plasticky but when you mount it to a desk really firm it actually does feel quite good you can do other mods to make it feel better there are other places you can get stuff like that from but mine is stock so I haven't done any of that work yet so simply this is a one to six shifter so you can put it around 1 2 obviously 3 4 5 & 6 but 6 can also be reverse so what you need to do to get into reverse is go back to neutral press down go back to 6 and you'll be in reverse I'll showcase this later what it actually does but yeah this is a very easy explanation so we've also got the same controls as on the wheel that you are able to move this up and down you'll be able to see I've got the chord right here which is quite long so it can reach quite far if you have a disc that is quite big so let me just unravel it and then I'll showcase the rest so this part right here is what clamps to the bottom of your desk as well to make sure it stays in place because if it didn't have that it would probably move around a whole lot more while you're trying to use it but yeah it is a nice little thing that actually gives a bit of friction actually helps keep it on the desk and yes as I showed before we've got these controls so you can move it down or up and this also has quite a wide range of movement so if your desk is quite chunky you can definitely use this it is quite helpful in that scenario now here we are looking at the pedals and there is quite a lot to talk about with these because they are in some ways quite good and in some ways actually not that great so we've the first pedal the accelerator it is quite smooth and soft in linear so you are able to get a nice percentage out of your throttle whenever you're using it this is the best pedal of the three on this board and I'll showcase why so this is the softest one this is kind of in-between it is a bit firm a bit tight but you can still use it as a normal clutch but the brakes are really tight so if you're wanting to use the brakes and stomp on them it doesn't usually go to 100% because they are just so stiff now look at this when I press my fingers on it you have to see it's very difficult to get that part in it's just very tight so yes all these pedals feel different so yeah accelerator easy clutch firm and also the brakes really stiff now one of my major worries is that this thing would slide around if you're trying to stomp on the brakes now they have put a little feature in the bottom of this board that helps it not move around and I'll showcase that right now so I've just turned it around and it does look quite complicated right here but I'll show you the most important feature which is this top part so this part right here is what grips this board onto the ground now if you're like me on carpet it works really well if you're on tiles or something else something smooth this sadly won't work but for me it does so all you need to do to get this thing to grip on your surface is to press this part right here and it pushes out so this is plastic spikes on this board that push it into the carpet now for me it does work it isn't probably the best way of gripping it to the ground but is a nice little feature that it's very simple and works alright and if you're going to finish using it all you need to do is press it and it's clicked back into place now also need to explain that you can get mods for the pedals of this thing now you can actually make it much more softer for the brakes to do it it's simple so since I've done a quick showcase of this wheel kit I'm going to hook it up to my PC and we'll be back in three two there we go we have got the wheel shifter and pedals set up ready to go so what I'll do now is change to a different camera view and I'll hop on Forza okay guys we have the wheel setup the manual shifter is ready to go let's take this out for a spin so here we are with an angry Cobra I'm going to be going in first person mode for this and we're going to be taking it for a spin so I've actually had this wheel for a few months since I didn't really use it that much but I've been using a tiny bit more in the last few days so yeah that's kind of what tempted me to make a video of this as well so what I'll do is make sure I don't stall it there we go we are off smoke sure oh and clutch got our clutch working okay that was a weird sight but anyway a sideways Toyota okay so what I'm going to do is start properly driving this thing in three two one so as I was saying before the shuttle is quite good it's quite a soft feel when you're pressing it down on the board also when you're using the clutch it's respectable but the brakes are so damn sharp so I'm also going to turn left down here and floor yeah this car does sound quite good I'm actually pretty happy I'm driving it for this video because I wanted to do it sometime because yeah it really draws well with the wheel now as I set the start I turned my force feedback down because at 100% which people for some reason recommend is quite violent so I'm not going to do that I'm leaving it down so it is nice and easy to drive now from what I know the way I've set up this wheel it's not for drifting I could do that but I haven't this is mainly for cruising yeah if you're just wanting to have some fun in a game like maybe assetto corsa project cars to those other games as well it would be a great addition to have for them now this is by no means a car that should be drifting but I'm actually going to give it a try soon and you'll be able to see if I pass her if I fail this also forgot to say when you're using this wheel you aren't able to correct yourself as quickly as a controller so if you find yourself losing control you're going to need to put a lot of input in just to make sure it doesn't spin out of control now I'm gonna do very cheeky is drop the clutch around here yeah it's quite fun to do that on the wheel you know just absolutely hooning around in this thing getting this thing to spin around and funny thing is I actually have race tires on this vehicle so it is quite grippy what I'll do is just drop the clutch again floor oh and you better see losing control like if you just want to be silly this is such a fun thing to use it's not competitive by any means like look at this I'm just off the track but yeah it is just really fun to use now it is also very rewarding being able to absolutely bang-on the shifts of manual mode when using the pedals that isn't as rewarding obviously because you're not feeling like you're one with the car even though this is a video game it does feel more like a real vehicle this looks like a nice bit of road to Florida yeah you can probably tell I'm having quite a bit of fun on this so I'm gonna do guys is end it here because I feel like I've done as much as I wanted to in this video I've showcased what I wanted to and yeah hopefully it may have tempted you into getting one of these as well okay.

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