JBL Clip 4 Portable Speaker with Bluetooth

JBL Clip 4 Portable Speaker with Bluetooth, Built-in Battery, Waterproof and Dustproof Feature

So just kicking things off with the exterior of this little clip speaker you can see there's like a woven textured material on the exterior of the speaker here i'm not sure you can really hear that but it's definitely got like a woven texture to it and it looks really nice it kind of has like a almost like a basket like look to it but i promise it's in it's in a good way very neat looking the texture looks nice and it contrasts nicely with the other things going on with this speaker and the other textures that are going on with the speaker so we have the jbl logo here and it's you know raised up i'm sure you can see that a little bit you can feel it and it's you know soft plastic it feels very very nice to the touch like almost like not sticky but that kind of plastic that your finger kind of like sticks to a little bit and the same thing with the buttons here so we've got the play button the volume up and the volume down button and then we've got the power button here and the bluetooth sync button here and then on the back we just have this little these lines here that are made of that same material and these are here so the speaker doesn't like slip around too much especially this is a waterproof speaker so if it's wet this kind of sticks to whatever surface that you've stuck it on so if you even if you stick it on like a wet counter or something like that it's not really moving too much you can see i i shook the camera there a little bit trying to show you that but this sticks to services really well and this side does actually pretty well too but if you stick it with this side you run the risk of hitting these buttons and these buttons are pretty sensitive in my testing so are the power button and the bluetooth button i put this thing kind of through the ringer i placed it everywhere and depending on where you place it if it's in a pocket or a water bottle pocket or whatever if you really even just tap that power button just a smidge it can turn off or on i just tried to show you that by hitting the button but it didn't work but many times it turned off when i didn't want it to and also turned on when i didn't want it to and sometimes when i had it somewhere and i was walking or riding my bike or something all of a sudden the music would stop and i'm just really confused and then i would realize that something had hit the or had been stuck on the volume down button and would bring the volume all the way down but that was a bit of a tangent from talking about the material on the buttons and the logo in this back here but the weave i was talking about also contrasts nicely with the smoothness of the clip here so this part of the clip here is that has that same feel to it it's like the plastic that you can kind of now i always want to say sticky it's not really sticky but it has a nice like texture to it it's softer plastic and then this part here is a harder plastic it's it kind of looks like metal it's not it's just like a hard plastic not sure how well you can hear that but it does look very nice and it's like three different tones here so you've got the tone of the clip part and the part that comes around here and that meets with the um metal looking part that's the hard plastic and then you've got weave here that i was talking about before but this comes in a bunch of different color ways since i've been reviewing it and i've been checking the product page it has actually changed a few times things have come in and out of stock but you've got black blue red pink camo and white and then there are a few others too that have come in and out of stock so there's definitely something for everyone here and whatever you know vibe you're trying to go with whatever trip you're taking you can kind of find one that suits your needs but overall very happy with how this speaker performed and i think the biggest thing for me is it looks really nice some speakers don't look so nice i think part of the way they're able to accomplish that is kind of hiding the info like the technical information like here we've got some information on the side there that's really hard to see if you're not paying attention it's got some of the battery information the no throwaway information and then on the bottom here we have more information about jbl try to show you that and all of that i'm not sure you can see those words there but it says what the speaker is and the address and all that stuff so they did a really good job designing the speaker it's very sleek looking and it does a good it performs well they have on their site that lasts about 10 hours of music playing and in my experience it was a little bit less than that but i'm typically playing music at the highest volume all the time like i've got it set up somewhere or it's like on my back while i'm riding my bike so i've got the volume all the way up so i was getting a little bit less than that 10 hour advertised time so i think that if you were to play it at a more moderate volume like a normal human unlike me you'd probably get that 10 hours they also have lists on their site that it takes about three hours to charge and i did get that that is about what i got out of it it charges with this usbc here very easy to use i've actually got a usbc cable here real easy slides in no complaints with that it stays in pretty well too you have to kind of give it a bit of a oomph to get it out of there which i like i'd rather have it be like that than come out easily but the three hour charge time does seem a little long to me especially for something that lasts about 10 hours but no big deal especially because it's a usbc if you have your if you have a laptop charger that's a usbc or your phone uses usbc you've already got the cable so just plug it in when you need to it does have an ip67 rating which means that it's dust tight and it's pretty it's i believe waterproof up submersion up to one meter i did not test the submersion of it because i just didn't feel that that was a super important thing but i did get this thing very very wet so this time of year in detroit it's raining it's snowing it's sleeting we're getting literally every weather that you can't imagine so every single bike ride to and from work this was clipped on shoved in the pocket somewhere on my backpack and i was using it and we got literally like one ride home i got dumped on like it was completely like downpouring no issues with the speaker it worked the whole way home and when i got home it was wet and i just hung it up and then within probably you know 20 minutes there was no water on it anymore so i had no issues with water snow sleet anything getting in this speaker and like i said it wasn't always in the most optimal conditions like i shoved this thing in the bottom of a water bottle pocket so water i don't know if it did but it could have been pooling in and the chargers on the bottom no issues with charging no issues with the battery life after that so this thing was definitely put through the ringer and also put through the ringer durability wise so i dropped this thing a ton of times you can see there is a nick right here and i think yep another nick right here so that hard plastic does get nicked up pretty easily but if you doesn't bother you those knicks don't bother you they don't bother me i'm just happy that it didn't break so these nicks actually came from when i was riding my bike and i was trying to shift the speaker like i was being an idiot i was like actively riding my bike probably 10 miles an hour and i tried to switch where the speaker was from one place to another and i literally pretty much threw it into the road while i was going 10 miles an hour and it like took a tumble across the road and those are the only things to speak of that happened after i threw i mean like i really like it was dumb like i thought that it was going to be broken and it wasn't i was happily surprised and i think that part of that is because it kind of has like a cage around it this hard plastic acts as like a cage to go around the speaker obviously you can hit the front two sides here but these are pretty well protected with that weave we were talking about earlier but overall very happy with the durability of this thing both with water and getting thrown into the road while you're riding your bike to work something that i think is important to note is that it does not work with speakerphone so if you're using the bluetooth speaker and your someone calls you then uh the like your phone rings the speaker does not ring so your music could just stop and you could think maybe the speaker died or something like that but it's actually the uh it'll be your phone will be ringing so if your phone's not nearby or your phone's on silent you're not going to get that you also can't speak through it so if you wanted to have a conversation where there's a bunch of people around and you all wanted to hear what the person was saying you can't really do that because it does not come through the speaker it just it defaults to the phone which is a big deal for some people i think and some people use speakerphone a lot but i actually kind of like that it doesn't do that like i have other speakers and when someone calls me it's like you have to hit a bunch of buttons to make it just be a regular phone again and i don't like that i'm not a fan of that so i'm actually happy that this speaker doesn't do that because i just if my phone's ringing i want to answer and i want to talk um just up to my ear like you normally would so something important to note if you're someone who talks on speaker a lot or is it like if your family talks on speaker with another family member a lot or something like that you're not able to use speakerphone through here but overall very happy with this little speaker it's very loud for the size that it is i wanted to compare it to another really popular speaker this is the the anker soundcore which is a very popular speaker that people get on amazon it's been on amazon forever and just to show you the size difference between these two speakers bviously the anchor does not have clip so you can't clip it onto anything but it is quite a bit bigger and i would say that the the sound quality is about the same i might give the the edge to the jbl on quality and the edge to the anchor on loudness but i think they're they're fairly comparable but just to show you like the difference in size and so you can see the jbl in my hand but to see it compared to another speaker you might own or a speaker you might have seen in the past so i'll bring that out now but obviously i haven't talked about this clip too much but it works as you expect there's a fair amount of space there to clip it onto things and it's real easy to use no not too much pressure and it doesn't come off i will say that the here you can see that it does move a little bit which worries me about the longevity of it but i haven't had any issues with it coming off anything like that very very sturdy clip and just a handy speaker you're going to the beach or you like to have music withyou all the time it's a good speaker to have like i was that i used three different backpacks and no backpack that i used could i not figure out a way to hook this onto it whether it's on a strap or on an attachment loop or there's endless possibilities in a water bottle pocket you really can shove this wherever it needs to go so another thing that i thought was important to note is that when i'll just turn it on real quick so you can actually hear the noise it makes when it turns on and my phone should already be paired so you'll hear the noise that it makes when it pairs to a device as well so i'll do that real quick so you can hear it so that first noise was the on noise and that second noise is when it's paired so i can't really show you or let you hear the next part because i don't want this video to get flagged or anything like that but if you're listening to music and like you know you're listening to it at a moderate volume or even a higher volume and you want to go to the max you want to turn it up all the way whether it's like your favorite song or something like that when you turn it all the way up when you get to the top it makes a little noise to let you know but it also pauses so like there's like a a very short pause where it's a break in the music or whatever you're listening to and it's not a big deal it just bothers me like if you're you know listening to something and you're like wow this song's great i want to turn it up i want to listen to it really loud and you jam this plus button or you do it on your phone and turn it all the way up it just like it gets to the top it pauses for a little second and then it plays the noise to let you know that you're at the top of the volume and the noise at the top of the volume doesn't bother me but the break bothers me a little bit not the end of the world but important to note i think just so you know that ahead of time so i'll turn it off so you can hear that noise as well so both those noises are real nice and it's a similar noise when you get to the top of your volume but also that little pause which is just a bit annoying but so there you have it the jbl clip 4.

Buy Now> JBL Clip 4: Portable Speaker with Bluetooth

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