Smartphone Gimbal Stabilizer

DJI OM 5 Smartphone Gimbal Stabilizer

The gimbal is a nice design it's small it's foldable it's actually a third lighter now so that's going to be really easy to carry around and i like this little like magnetic clamp system so you can just put your phone on there slap it on you're ready to go super easy super fast and they actually have some different versions now uh this one has a wait for it wait for it a light on it that's pretty interesting so i clearly have uh quite of a quite a light setup here already let's see what it looks like without the light oh you can actually change the brightness of the light i mean if you're out and about and it's dark and you don't have good light you don't have a giant soft box the things that's like six foot big uh this could be nice it'd be nice to have a little light on your your phone if you're doing some vlogging like this but the best new thing by far is the extension rod it's just really handy having this like ability to get different kinds of shots and just to have a little bit more i don't even know what you would call this before you'd have to get like you know really close to your subject here you gotta you know you can kind of i don't know be lazier and get cool shots i like it i haven't seen this done before and i wouldn't be surprised if we even start seeing it on some of the bigger gimbals who knows uh and then especially when you pair this with the the tracking system the active track 4.0 that's the new one it's even better it's just a really easy way to get some cool shots you just literally on your phone drag around an object like my brother and then i can do pretty much any movement and the gimbal just does all the tracking for me and i'm not having to like you know twist around as i'm moving around and it's really hard takes multiple tries with the active track it's literally like first try every time and now you have the ability to track up to three times zoom i believe i'm not sure i i mean i don't need to do that but maybe you need that and they've also made it faster so it follows around faster how what's this they're saying the speed of the track is up to five meters per second which that's pretty fast then let's talk about the more gimmicky things shock guides this is a new thing um it's under the story part in the app and basically it's kind of trying to like merge this tick tock world way of making videos straight on to uh the gimbal and app itself and so you can choose a template and then it'll tell you how long of a clip you need to film so maybe three four or five clips and then it'll plug those in put the song on do some gimbal movements and i i mean it's it's interesting but i just can't see people using it that much i think where something like this would actually be good and useful is if you could upload a song and then it would analyze where the beats are and then you would just film clips and then just like fill in the blocks and you'd  have this really cool edit in like no time at all and that that sounds like it would be really useful to me but having these kind of generic templates that everybody would use the exact same template it just i i can't see it being that useful to be honest on any any product that i've ever used they have these template things i've never used them and maybe i'm wrong maybe for like a really basic beginner user it might be helpful but i think it'd be just so much more handy if you could just upload any song into the app it analyzes the beats and it'll tell you okay you need to film 10 clips and it'll fill out this section of the song and then it just exports and you're ready to go that would be really helpful can you can you guys make that happen dja i think you guys can you guys can probably do it also my second gripe is that the gimbal movement is actually quite limited so in terms of tilt you can't go too far up or down that's the furthest i can go up and that's the furthest i can go down so there's not a lot of room for like the gimbal movement now i can pull it out a little bit and you can actually tilt this part so that's that's nice but i kind of just wish that the gimbal itself would be able to tilt the camera a little bit more up or down and there therefore you'd have more options in terms of movement especially when we were rollerblading i think we were hitting that like edge pretty often uh so yeah i think that's that's a bit of a downside and also now we were we were pushing it to the edge rollerblading and like the wind and the movement it doesn't seem like the gimbal is crazy strong i feel like we were getting some shake even with this iphone 12 pro so it's not a max it's not the biggest phone it's it's pretty beefy but it'snot the biggest phone um so yeah i feel like the gimbal motors especially when you're you know extending it and then you're tilting this part i feel like the gimbal motors were a little bit strained with what we were doing now if you're just walking around town and kind of filming some cool clips on your travels or something like that i think you're probably gonna be just fine but uh if you're trying to do extreme sports that might be pushing it a little bit one thing that really bothers me about the gimbal is that it doesn't actually spin all the way around it only goes about halfway which is quite a bit but i like to film on the ultra wide camera that is like my favorite camera i feel like you can just mix that in with all sorts of footage and people won't even realize but now i can't do that unless i physically actually take off the phone and flip it around so i can film myself otherwise you just have to use the selfie camera and that to me is is a bit of a bummer i feel like you should be able to just flip around the gimbal and then film yourself pretty much all the gimbals nowadays do that i feel like they should be able to do that also now this next one i don't know if this is a gimmick just because i'm me and then for some people this is like super useful but uh let me actually do a screen recording for you guys here so this app has the ability to change the way that i look you can literally turn this filter on and you can choose to slim down your face you can choose to smooth your skin let's just put them all on you can choose to lighten your skin enlarge your eyes brighten i guess mo oh i'm not sure what the brighton is doing uh make my cheeks rosier there's literally okay let's see this is uh the after uh how do i okay this is the after before after before i don't know it just seems really ridiculous to me maybe there's maybe there's people that really would enjoy this kind of thing but i don't know i think that's just a little too over the top uh to me that's definitely a gimmick but again maybe for some people that's a really helpful thing oh man that's ridiculous double let's see what you look with with the with that here you hold it oh there we go oh all of a sudden that's that's like that's like you when you're a teenager everything that makes you look like you're a teenager uh how do you feel about that that bro well i guess i'm getting older so yeah for me that's a little bit over the top uh the hyperlapse and time lapse i feel like those could go either way they can be really handy at times uh probably the time lapse more than the hyperlapse the time lapse is super easy essentially you can just put like an in and out point so you can have it pointing that way and then it'll slowly point to this direction so you can do really cool time lapses really easily it's like so crazy how it how easy it is and how hard it used to be to do something like that um so that can be really cool except for the fact that there's no motion blur on the time-lapse i feel like if the time-lapse had motion blur then it would be just like a really really cool feature without the motion blur it's like a it's like a pretty cool feature the hyperlapse um again i feel like it could be a really cool feature but it is a little bit harder to use than you think uh to get a really cool hyperlapse effect you have to move really slowly and then if you're walking it's kind of going up and down so it's a little bit trickier maybe if you're on like a boat or a car or something one wheel and you can just like ride around you can get some really cool shots so i feel like those can go either way they can be really great features or they can be kind of gimmicky the dolly zoom thing that that's definitely a gimmick you're you're gonna maybe do it once and then you're never gonna do it again uh do not buy this for just that feature now before we get to the final thoughts i just want to say a thank you to the incredible people at epidemic sound for sponsoring this video and if you stick around it'll be a nice little bonus for you whether you're a content creator a freelancer any kind of filmmaker epidemic sound is the best place to get music for your videos why well first off it's an affordable subscription to over 35 000 songs and over 90 000 sound effects we use their sound effects all the time and i love that they constantly have new music to choose from because if you're like me and you're making a lot of videos you kind of get bored of listening to the same songs over and over again you want new music fresh music it inspires you to make different kinds of videos pro tip something that you might not know uh it takes a long time sometimes to find the right song for your video but with epidemic sound you can actually use the arrow keys to switch to the next song and to skim through the song it like makes it so much faster to find the song you're looking for just using the arrow keys instead of having to like click on everything just just use the arrow keys and one of the biggest reasons i'm always a little bit torn the reason why i'm torn is that i think the greatest strength of using something like your smartphone for filmmaking is that it's just so small and light and easy to use just easy to carry around it's always on you it is convenient that is the biggest strength the quality isn't the craziest it's pretty good nowadays but it's not the highest quality but it is the most convenient camera you will ever have and then pairing it with something like this a gimbal makes it a little bit less convenient you're getting better quality better stabilization you have all these cool tools inside of the app but at what cost how much does it hinder the convenience factor i think if you use something like your smartphone a ton for filmmaking if it's like your main camera then obviously you're gonna love this thing it's gonna be really handy and helpful to you but if you're not using your smartphone as your main camera if you use your smartphone more like i do which is not as my main camera but as the most convenient camera so if i don't have my big sony camera on me i can just pull this out use this to film then for those people i feel like it's less useful just because you're not going to have this in your pocket all the time but you will have this so those are kind of my final thoughts but i guess that's kind of with all smartphone gimbals not just this one specifically but if you are looking for a smartphone gimbal this is probably the best one out there.

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